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psychologist red deer

Post traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a neurological change in brain patterning and behaviour resulting from a traumatic event. Common symptoms of this disorder  include anxiety and panic attacks, reliving of the event, depression and dissociation.

Effective treatments for PTSD are available to anyone struggling with this disorder.  Each PTSD therapy we engage in, is customised to the specific needs of your unique case.

Treatment will be customised to you and your unique brain functioning. Primarily using a research evidenced gold-standard treatment of CBT-PE (Prolonged Exposure) Therapy. 

In a world out of balance, most people will experience states of anxiety and stress. It is simply a part of this human journey. But when these states of being stressed or anxious become overwhelming or begin to impede life choices, it is time for change.

Psychotherapy treatment for anxiety needs to include a wholistic approach that draws on the mind/body connection.

Mindfulness, acceptance, self compassion, cognitive delusion and nervous system regulation are all ways to master riding the waves of anxiety and stress in your life.

When these types of practices are engaged, it allows for change that moves us past our old conditional ways of being towards greater  states of equanimity and peace.

Realizing you are caught in the cycle of addiction is humbling and sometimes feels hopeless.Remember this, you are more than your addiction! And there are ways you overcome it.

Accepting where you are in your own journey and committing to an intentional path towards health and well-being is all it takes to start your healing.

Through the journey of therapy, you will learn effective strategies that  can empower you to change your detrimental addictive behaviours.

The journey beyond depression is unique to each individual and the path often involves several different strategies, as well as perseverance to succeed. Psychotherapy can help provide the motivation and tools to overcome depressive thoughts, change detrimental patterns of relating to others, and ultimately safeguard against future depressive episodes.
Woven into this human journey is the simple truth that change is inevitable. And yet, our human intellect wants to make a story of security, so we resist change and cling to our beliefs. It is possible with awareness to practice an opening into acceptance. With acceptance comes the possibility to move towards value based actions that often bring collateral beauty.

The pain and hurt of loss is a humbling and heavy journey.It’s like you are feeling your way through the darkness.Giving yourself the space and time to process and work through the emotions of loss and sadness are fundamental to gaining perspective and balance in the grief process.

When working with grief and loss, our therapeutic intention is to provide a safe and compassionate space in which each individual can explore and heal and learn to live again with passion and meaning.

It is often when we face a health crisis, that we come to know the true limits of our mind.

Stretched by the need to survive and yet faced with the realness of mortality, this is the human experience of struggle and adversity.

When faced with health issues in our physical body, it is often imperative to also heal the psychological, emotional and energetic levels of being.

Finding ways to nourish healing at all levels is essential to wholistic wellbeing.

***coming soon***


This human journey is complicated and in our current world, often overwhelming. We all face adversity and loss. Given the level of stress common to everyone, it is not surprising that many people are experiencing mental health crises and struggle with psychological barriers.Many Psychological barriers like the ones listed below, are obstacles in your life that prevent you from finding a sense of movement towards health and wellbeing.

i am worthy of love, flaws and all.

psychologist red deer

Post traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a neurological change in brain patterning and behaviour resulting from a traumatic event. Common symptoms of this disorder  include anxiety and panic attacks, reliving of the event, depression and dissociation.

Effective treatments for PTSD are available to anyone struggling with this disorder.  Each PTSD therapy we engage in, is customised to the specific needs of your unique case.

Treatment will be customised to you and your unique brain functioning. Primarily using a research evidenced gold-standard treatment of CBT-PE (Prolonged Exposure) Therapy. 

In a world out of balance, most people will experience states of anxiety and stress. It is simply a part of this human journey. But when these states of being stressed or anxious become overwhelming or begin to impede life choices, it is time for change.

Psychotherapy treatment for anxiety needs to include a wholistic approach that draws on the mind/body connection.

Mindfulness, acceptance, self compassion, cognitive delusion and nervous system regulation are all ways to master riding the waves of anxiety and stress in your life.

When these types of practices are engaged, it allows for change that moves us past our old conditional ways of being towards greater  states of equanimity and peace.

Realizing you are caught in the cycle of addiction is humbling and sometimes feels hopeless.Remember this, you are more than your addiction! And there are ways you overcome it.

Accepting where you are in your own journey and committing to an intentional path towards health and well-being is all it takes to start your healing.

Through the journey of therapy, you will learn effective strategies that  can empower you to change your detrimental addictive behaviours.

The journey beyond depression is unique to each individual and the path often involves several different strategies, as well as perseverance to succeed. Psychotherapy can help provide the motivation and tools to overcome depressive thoughts, change detrimental patterns of relating to others, and ultimately safeguard against future depressive episodes.
Woven into this human journey is the simple truth that change is inevitable. And yet, our human intellect wants to make a story of security, so we resist change and cling to our beliefs. It is possible with awareness to practice an opening into acceptance. With acceptance comes the possibility to move towards value based actions that often bring collateral beauty.

The pain and hurt of loss is a humbling and heavy journey.It’s like you are feeling your way through the darkness.Giving yourself the space and time to process and work through the emotions of loss and sadness are fundamental to gaining perspective and balance in the grief process.

When working with grief and loss, our therapeutic intention is to provide a safe and compassionate space in which each individual can explore and heal and learn to live again with passion and meaning.

It is often when we face a health crisis, that we come to know the true limits of our mind.

Stretched by the need to survive and yet faced with the realness of mortality, this is the human experience of struggle and adversity.

When faced with health issues in our physical body, it is often imperative to also heal the psychological, emotional and energetic levels of being.

Finding ways to nourish healing at all levels is essential to wholistic wellbeing.

***coming soon***


This human journey is complicated and in our current world, often overwhelming. We all face adversity and loss. Given the level of stress common to everyone, it is not surprising that many people are experiencing mental health crises and struggle with psychological barriers.Many Psychological barriers like the ones listed below, are obstacles in your life that prevent you from finding a sense of movement towards health and wellbeing.

"i am worthy of love, flaws and all."

human journey

In this human Journey we will all face psychological barriers that threaten our health, balance, and wellbeing. If you are struggling with one of these barriers, psychological services can help. 

With compassionate support, wise therapeutic interventions, and a safe place to explore alternatives, you can change and adapt to be able to live fully and authentically.

“The only journey is the one within”

Rainer Maria Rilke

psychologist red deer
psychologist red deer